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Browser shortcut keys

by Kyluke McDougall on 16 May 20142 min read

A list of shortcut keys which work with most modern web browsers.

Common shortcut keys

  • Ctrl + P - Opens the print dialog
  • Ctrl + S - Saves the page
  • Ctrl + O - Opens a file
  • Ctrl + U - Opens the current page's source code


  • Ctrl + B - Manage bookmarks
  • Ctrl + D - Add current page to bookmarks


  • Ctrl + H - Opens history
  • Ctrl + Shift + Del - Clear recent history
  • Ctrl + J - Opens download history

Tab management

  • Ctrl + [number] - Opens the tab corresponding to that number. Ctrl + 1 will open the first tab you have, Ctrl + 2 the second and so forth
  • Ctrl + Shift + T - Opens previously closed tab, will work for numerous tabs
  • Ctrl + Tab - Cycles through open tabs
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab - Cycles through open tabs backwards
  • Ctrl + T - New tab
  • Ctrl + N - Opens new window
  • Ctrl + W - Closes current tab
  • Alt + Enter - Opens location in a new tab


  • F5 - Reload
  • Ctrl + Shift + R / Ctrl + Shift + F5 - Reloads page ignoring cache
  • Alt + D / F6 / Ctrl + L - Focuses the URL navigation bar
  • Ctrl + Enter - Appends .com to URL in the address bar and opens the page (i.e. www.google becomes www.google.com)
  • Ctrl + E / Ctrl + K - Focuses the search box
  • Esc - Stops page load
  • Alt + Home - Loads your homepage
  • Alt + Left, Backspace - Goes back one page
  • Alt + Right, Shift + Backspace - Goes forward one page


  • Ctrl + F / F3 - Opens the in page search bar
  • Ctrl + G / F3 - Goes to the next available search term
  • Ctrl + Shift + G / Shift + F3 - Goes to the previous available search term


  • Page Down / Space - Goes down a page
  • Page Up / Shift + Space - Goes up a page
  • Home - Jumps to the top of the page
  • End - Jumps to the bottom of page