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A "no privacy" age

by Cornelius Weidmann on 21 July 20142 min read

Are we the generation that will break the barriers of privacy? Google, Facebook, Twitter. They know what we like, what we do and where we are. They know the people we communicate with. They know where we last shopped online, what sites we visited recently, what video we watched on YouTube, who we last chatted with on Whatsapp.

To a certain extent it seems like these companies are proclaiming transparency while offering apparent privacy. Yet, the privacy they offer is basically like handing somebody a glass jar and then telling them they can put whatever they want inside and then saying, "We won't ever open the jar to look inside".

It seems to me that the information age is forcing us to give up our privacy for the "Greater Good". Yet, true privacy on the web is a lie. There is no privacy. You're in a glass house and not an idyllic bunker somewhere in the Swiss alps.

I do like technology and am amazed at what has been achieved over the past 10 years (especially on the web). I love what technology is capable of, however, if it comes at the price of privacy it is hard to see any good that it can possibly bring (hence also the fear of technology).

If there is no privacy anymore, where can we go to be "private"? Everything is slowly becoming zeros and ones.

The private messages I write to a friend are zeros and ones (stored somewhere, possibly forever). The images and videos I make are zeros and ones. The voice recordings I make are zeros and ones.

What's not zeros and ones?